Planning Your Online Marketing For Success

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Planning Your Online Marketing For Success – Video Transcript Below


Hello, its Neil Ball your online marketing coach from

I am going to look at the importance of planning your work online so that you can achieve success.  And why you need to plan your work and then work your plan.  If you are fairly new to internet marketing, and then you still learning how to do this online marketing thing, then it might be the case that you keep buying training and you are spending all of your time watching videos learning how to market on line so that you can change your life.  Maybe you have not stopped buying videos or courses and you are constantly looking for the newest and latest way of doing something that is going to give you the answers that you need.  Or maybe you have a hard drive full of courses that you have bought in the past and you have just not had time to go through them all.   Or maybe you have not even looked at some of them at all.  You may be thinking to yourself that one day you will know everything that you need to know, so that you can change your life.  You are getting ready to be ready so that when you know that you will be ready you will be ready.

You just need to be perfect so when you are ready and you are perfect and you will make lots of money. Or maybe if have been doing internet marketing for a while, have you ever got on your computer with the intention of doing some marketing task and found that you have run out of time and you have not completed the task that you intended completing.

So you think to yourself, oh well I will do it next time, and then next time you intend doing something and the same happens again. Everything seems to take forever to complete and the time passes so quickly. If you are doing internet marketing part time then this problem is even worse, because you have even less time available than somebody who is doing it full time, so your time is really valuable. Let me ask you a question? Do you drive a car? I will bet when you learned to drive that you didn’t spend months or years getting ready to take the driving lessons and reading lots of books about driving a car and even maybe reading the manual on the car you were intending to drive before you took your driving lessons. You learnt to drive a car by doing it.  And over time you got better at doing it, and even when you passed your test because you got to a certain standard, you were still not perfect at driving, but you then drove your own car and continued to improve as you got better as you became a more experienced driver.

So why do you think that when you are doing online marketing, you need to know everything and be perfect before you do it.  The best way to learn it is to do it and adjust as you go. You can’t steer a ship that hasn’t set sail.  So the first thing you need to do is start doing and making a few mistakes.  And then the other thing you need to do is, you need to manage your time, so that you use It productively. To solve the shortage of time that everyone experiences, you need to learn the importance of prioritising,  and get rid of unproductive tasks and  remove distractions such as social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and YouTube and as well as that Skype.  You need to switch that off.

So if you have two hours then you commit every day to those two hours.  And every day you do certain tasks and nothing else during this time. This is very important because if you think about it, anything that is important in your life is normally attached to a date and time or an appointment.

People set their alarm clocks so that they can get up on time each day so that they can show up to work on time, because having their job in their life at that point in time is very important.  You have important meetings at specific dates and times, you get married at a specific date and time, and you go on holiday or vacation at a particular date and time.  You know, everything that is important in your life you schedule.  So everything that is important is usually scheduled.  Let me ask you.  Have you scheduled time to build your internet business?  When would now be a good time to do it?  If not, why not?  I tell you why not, because it hasn’t become a settled conclusion. What I mean by this, is that it is not important enough for you in your life at this moment in time.

Once you make a decision to take your online business serious enough, it becomes a settled conclusion that has to succeed and then you will allocate the time to it so that you can get to where you want to get to. The importance of this is that it makes you prepare in your mind for the task so that when you do the task, you are ready in advance and you can perform them more efficiently. If you take for example of going on holiday or vacation, if you didn’t prepare in advance then you wouldn’t take everything that you needed with you.  Working online is just the same. When you have completed the tasks in the allocated time it also a good idea at that point to plan what you are going to do in your next allocated time slot the next day.

By doing this your mind will subconsciously organise its thoughts so that you work better the next day. Once you commit to this schedule, you then need to stick to it and make sure that you don’t give yourself permission to do other things during that time slot.  Of course, this is one of the key ingredients in building an online business.

There are of course other important elements. If you are at a point in your life where your decision to succeed online is a settled conclusion and you are prepared to do what it takes then I have a system that will develop you and your online marketing so that you will succeed. But you have to be totally committed and be prepared to do things you may not have done before. You may even go outside of your comfort zone, which may be a bit scary at first.  But if you follow the system that I talking about then you will succeed.

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And until next time, goodbye.


Planning Your Online Marketing For Success